The benefits of the scientific enterprise have disproportionately benefited members of the upper echelons, and the scientific enterprise has too often been aligned with injustices that reinforce the oppression of the racially disenfranchised, women, and L
Opportunities and entryways into STEM careers are unequally available to all members of our society. Advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion in the scientific enterprise is a systems-based challenge, requiring a more coordinated and centralized effort that includes all the embedded components working together towards common goals.
Although complex and challenging, such an undertaking will be more than worth the effort. With enormous challenges and possibilities in front of us, science needs all hands on deck. Let's create a science system that is by all and for all, adjust the course of the astonishing human history of science towards a more just and inclusive enterprise, and fulfill a more complete vision of the science-society bargain.
From Scientific American
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