Good-faith criticism helps us get better. But my view is that what we're seeing is a coordinated effort to selectively use the leaked documents to paint a false picture of our company. -Mark Zuckerberg
Sven Hoppe/picture alliance via Getty Images
Mark Zuckerberg has a point when he says Facebook has fostered an open culture for its in-house, world-class researchers to analyze the company's most complicated problems. What he seems to be upset about now is that whistleblower Frances Haugen has shared those findings with the public.
While that hasn't seemed to worry investors, analysts, and shareholders all that much—as Facebook is still a massively profitable business—Zuckerberg's comments on a recent company earnings call hint at how hard these leaks have rocked the company. Facebook's financials may still be squarely under Zuckerberg's control, but its moral standing isn't anymore.
From Vox Recode
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