"Understanding how brains give rise to minds is also important for designing smart systems in computer science, engineering and tech."-Stephen Grossberg
Credit: Stephen Grossberg
Stephen Grossberg is a cognitive scientist, theoretical and computational psychologist, neuroscientist, mathematician, biomedical engineer, and neuromorphic technologist affiliated with Boston University.
During the past 20 years, deep learning has come to dominate AI research and applications through a series of useful commercial applications. But underneath the dazzle are some deep-rooted problems that threaten the technology's ascension.
Now, in a new book titled, Conscious Mind, Resonant Brain: How Each Brain Makes a Mind, Stephen Grossberg argues that an entirely different approach is needed and lays out an alternative model for both biological and artificial intelligence based on cognitive and neural research he has been conducting for decades. Grossberg's model, which he calls Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART), is based on his theories about how the brain processes information.
From IEEE Spectrum
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