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dateMore Than a Year Ago
authorPeter J. Denning

A Clash of Civilizations
From Communications of the ACM

A Clash of Civilizations

The much-sought holy grail of more and faster innovation will come from integrating pipeline thinking and adoption thinking.

The Smallness of Large Language Models
From Communications of the ACM

The Smallness of Large Language Models

There is so much more to language and human beings than large language models can possibly master.

A Map for Innovation
From Communications of the ACM

A Map for Innovation

Innovation is less elusive with the right navigational map.

The Context Problem in Artificial Intelligence
From Communications of the ACM

The Context Problem in Artificial Intelligence

The artificial intelligence design challenge of teaming humans and machines is difficult because machines cannot read the context of use.

Involvement and Detachment
From Communications of the ACM

Involvement and Detachment

How detachment from your community blocks your success at leading innovations, and what to do about it.

Systems Abstractions
From Communications of the ACM

Systems Abstractions

Computing professionals use powerful abstractions to tame complexity in large software systems and distributed networks.

Computational Thinking for Professionals
From Communications of the ACM

Computational Thinking for Professionals

Professionals practice a form of computational thinking that is significantly more advanced than popular descriptions suggest.

Back of the Envelope
From Communications of the ACM

Back of the Envelope

Back-of-the-envelope calculations are a powerful professional practice.

Locality and Professional Life
From Communications of the ACM

Locality and Professional Life

The locality principle extends beyond computer memories. It teaches us something about being human.

Science Is Not Another Opinion
From Communications of the ACM

Science Is Not Another Opinion

The issue is not who has the "truth," but whose claims deserve more credence.

Navigating in Real-Time Environments
From Communications of the ACM

Navigating in Real-Time Environments

An interview with Jim Selman.

Avalanches Make Us All Innovators
From Communications of the ACM

Avalanches Make Us All Innovators

Avalanches generate enormous breakdowns. The practices of innovation adoption may be just what you need to resolve them.

Technology Adoption
From Communications of the ACM

Technology Adoption

The S-shaped curve of technology adoption is a welcome recurrence in an otherwise chaotic adoption world.

From Communications of the ACM


Considering how to best navigate stability and randomness.

An Interview with David Brin on Resiliency
From Communications of the ACM

An Interview with David Brin on Resiliency

Many risks of catastrophic failures of critical infrastructures can be significantly reduced by relatively simple measures to increase resiliency.

An Interview with Dave Parnas
From Communications of the ACM

An Interview with Dave Parnas

A discussion of ideas about software engineering.

The Computing Profession
From Communications of the ACM

The Computing Profession

Taking stock of progress toward a computing profession since this column started in 2001.

The Forgotten Engineer
From Communications of the ACM

The Forgotten Engineer

Engineering has been marginalized by the unhealthy belief that engineering is the application of science.

The Beginner's Creed
From Communications of the ACM

The Beginner's Creed

We all need to learn to be expert beginners.

Remaining Trouble Spots with Computational Thinking
From Communications of the ACM

Remaining Trouble Spots with Computational Thinking

Addressing unresolved questions concerning computational thinking.
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