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subjectComputer Systems
authorThe Washington Post

The Latest Oculus Headset Made Me Want to Throw ­p. In a Good Way.
From ACM Opinion

The Latest Oculus Headset Made Me Want to Throw ­p. In a Good Way.

Virtual reality and its viability as a consumer technology is a huge theme at this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo, a Los Angeles convention for the video...

How the Astros Baseball Hack Explains Chinese Cyberespionage
From ACM Opinion

How the Astros Baseball Hack Explains Chinese Cyberespionage

Two major cybersecurity scandals are currently making headlines: One is the hack of an internal network belonging to a Major League Baseball team, allegedly bya...

No One Questions Google's Ability to Innovate, So Why Do Its Moonshots Look Like Money Pits?
From ACM Opinion

No One Questions Google's Ability to Innovate, So Why Do Its Moonshots Look Like Money Pits?

Consider a question that we have been puzzling over at the World Economic Forum.

Facial Recognition Technology Is Everywhere. It May Not Be Legal.
From ACM News

Facial Recognition Technology Is Everywhere. It May Not Be Legal.

Being anonymous in public might be a thing of the past.

The Real Winners in the Fight Over Government Surveillance
From ACM Opinion

The Real Winners in the Fight Over Government Surveillance

After the Senate passed legislation aimed at reforming a program that collected data about the phone calls of millions of Americans, Senate Majority Leader Mitch...

How the Battle For the Future of the Web Is Shaped By Economics
From ACM Opinion

How the Battle For the Future of the Web Is Shaped By Economics

There are two stories people are trying to tell right now about the future of the Internet.

Why the Ruling Against the Nsa's Phone Records Program Could Have Huge Implications
From ACM Opinion

Why the Ruling Against the Nsa's Phone Records Program Could Have Huge Implications

A federal appeals court ruling that the National Security Agency's collection of millions of Americans' phone records is illegal could undercut more than just that...

Honoring Technology's Power Couple: Moore's Law and the Network Effect
From ACM Opinion

Honoring Technology's Power Couple: Moore's Law and the Network Effect

Sunday marked the 50th anniversary of Moore's Law, which I believe to be one of the most important business theorems of the last century.

10 Images that Explain the Incredible Power of Moore's Law
From ACM Opinion

10 Images that Explain the Incredible Power of Moore's Law

Moore's Law, which states that the number of transistors per integrated circuit will double approximately every 18–24 months, has become the defining metaphor of...

After Net Neutrality Vote, an ­ncertain Future For the Internet
From ACM Opinion

After Net Neutrality Vote, an ­ncertain Future For the Internet

Thursday, during a rancorous meeting of the Federal Communications Commission, the agencyvoted 3-2 to impose public utility regulations on Internet access providers...

What 'the Imitation Game' Didn't Tell You About Turing's Greatest Triumph
From ACM Opinion

What 'the Imitation Game' Didn't Tell You About Turing's Greatest Triumph

Freeman Dyson, 91, the famed physicist, author and oracle of human destiny, is holding forth after tea-time one February afternoon in the common room of the Institute...

Robots Are Sneaking ­p On Congress (along with Four Other Tech Trends)
From ACM Opinion

Robots Are Sneaking ­p On Congress (along with Four Other Tech Trends)

One of the best Twitter accounts inside the Beltway or out—belongs to former representativeJohn Dingell (D-Mich.), who announced his retirement with self-effacing...

These Are 3 Breakthrough Science Ideas You'll Be Talking About in 2015
From ACM Opinion

These Are 3 Breakthrough Science Ideas You'll Be Talking About in 2015

For anyone who has ever said that all the STEM professions need is something to make them "cool" in order to attract more young people, look no further than ...

The Toughest Case: What If Osama Bin Laden Had an Iphone?
From ACM Opinion

The Toughest Case: What If Osama Bin Laden Had an Iphone?

In rebuking Apple and Google for their new smartphone encryption polices on Thursday, FBI Director James B. Comey became the latest law enforcement official to...

Why Internet Governance Should Be Left to the Engineers
From ACM Opinion

Why Internet Governance Should Be Left to the Engineers

As the Internet and the disruptive innovations it spawns are becoming economically, politically, and culturally vital for the world’s three billion users (and counting)...

How to Talk About Blowing Things ­p in Cyberspace, According to the Military
From ACM Opinion

How to Talk About Blowing Things ­p in Cyberspace, According to the Military

Bombs are relatively simple, when you boil everything down.

China's Cyber-Generals Are Reinventing the Art of War
From ACM Opinion

China's Cyber-Generals Are Reinventing the Art of War

The conventional wisdom is that the future of war will involve private robot armies, predator drones carrying out precision strikes, and maybe even the militarization...

How Cloud Storage Complicates the Supreme Court Debate Over Cell Phone Privacy
From ACM News

How Cloud Storage Complicates the Supreme Court Debate Over Cell Phone Privacy

Should police be able to search the contents of your smartphone without a warrant?

What Oculus's $2 Billion Payday Teaches ­S About Innovation
From ACM Opinion

What Oculus's $2 Billion Payday Teaches ­S About Innovation

Tuesday's announcement that Facebook is buying the virtual-reality start-up Oculus for $2 billion no doubt left many people scratching their heads.

Comcast's Deal with Netflix Makes Network Neutrality Obsolete
From ACM Opinion

Comcast's Deal with Netflix Makes Network Neutrality Obsolete

For the past two decades, the Internet has operated as an unregulated, competitive free market.
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