The assignment was one of the biggest challenges in the field of artificial intelligence: build a computer smart enough to beat grand champions at the game of...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | January 9, 2012
From the streets of Tunis to Tahrir Square and beyond, protests around the world last year were built on the Internet and the many devices that interact with...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | January 5, 2012
Here's my take on what I've begun calling the "knowosphere"—a word intentionally echoing the more allegorical "noosphere," the "planet of the mind" of Vladimir....The New York Times From ACM Opinion | January 4, 2012
Do you read to your children from your iPad or other device, or encourage them to use an e-reader to read to you?The New York Times From ACM Opinion | December 30, 2011
Goodbye 2011, you tumultuous, fickle, lovely year—hello 2012, another 365-day stretch full of promises, disappointments, and with a little luck, a few pleasant...Time From ACM Opinion | December 28, 2011
A robot walks into a bar and says, "I’ll have a screwdriver." A bad joke, indeed. But even less funny if the robot says "Give me what’s in your cash register."...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | December 28, 2011
Next week, in a case closely watched both by analysts and retailers, the International Trade Commission will decide whether the handset maker HTC should be allowed...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | December 15, 2011
There is a concept in telecommunications called "the last mile," that part of any phone system that is the most difficult to connect—the part that goes from the...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | November 18, 2011
What do the following have in common: Computers, limousines, empty beds and stay-at-home moms?
The cloud keeps them busy.
The rest of us are next.
Virtualization...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | November 15, 2011
Why can't Americans tap into the ingenuity that put men on the moon, created the Internet, and sequenced the human genome to revitalize our economy?The New York Times From ACM Opinion | November 10, 2011
There were no GPS tracking devices when the framers wrote the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition against unreasonable searches. But that does not mean this sometimes...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | November 8, 2011
One of the questions I wrestled with when writing about Steve Jobs was how smart he was. On the surface, this should not have been much of an issue.The New York Times From ACM Opinion | October 31, 2011
At a time of slow economic growth and declining competitiveness, wireless technology remains a shining example of innovation. In the last 10 years, wireless communications...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | October 24, 2011
For more than a decade educators have been expecting the Internet to transform that bastion of tradition and authority, the university. Digital utopians have...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | October 3, 2011
In November, the Supreme Court will hear arguments in a case that could redefine the scope of privacy in an age of increasingly ubiquitous surveillance technologies...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | September 16, 2011
After racing and biking back roads on the San Francisco Peninsula for almost half a century without serious incident, on July 3 I crashed while riding downhill...The New York Times From ACM News | September 12, 2011
In the olden days, it was simple to keep up with pop culture. There were only three channels on TV, and everybody saw the same shows at the same time.The New York Times From ACM Opinion | September 9, 2011
If you have a child entering grade school this fall, file away just one number with all those back-to-school forms: 65 percent. Chances are just that good that...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | August 11, 2011