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Google in Jeopardy: What If IBM's Watson Dethroned the King of Search?
From ACM Opinion

Google in Jeopardy: What If IBM's Watson Dethroned the King of Search?

Remember Watson, IBM's Jeopardy! champion?

Jaron Lanier on the Cheap Treats and Religious Emotion of Moore's Law
From ACM Opinion

Jaron Lanier on the Cheap Treats and Religious Emotion of Moore's Law

Moore's Law is Silicon Valley’s guiding principle, like all 10 commandments wrapped into one.

Why We Often View Digital Culture Through Insect Metaphors
From ACM Opinion

Why We Often View Digital Culture Through Insect Metaphors

Swarms. Hive minds. The Web.

How Relying on Algorithms and Bots Can Be Really, Really Dangerous
From ACM Opinion

How Relying on Algorithms and Bots Can Be Really, Really Dangerous

So you can’t wait for a self-driving car to take away the drudgery of driving? Me neither! But consider this scenario, recently posed by neuroscientist Gary Marcus...

Why It's Time For Our Devices to ­nderstand What We Mean, Not Just What We Say
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Why It's Time For Our Devices to ­nderstand What We Mean, Not Just What We Say

It wasn’t just cost and Moore’s law. The graphical user interface—now known as the GUI ("gooey")—is what really made computing widespread, personal and ubiquitous...

Better Than Human: Why Robots Will—and Must—take Our Jobs
From ACM Opinion

Better Than Human: Why Robots Will—and Must—take Our Jobs

It's hard to believe you'd have an economy at all if you gave pink slips to more than half the labor force.

No Longer Vaporware: The Internet of Things Is Finally Talking
From ACM Opinion

No Longer Vaporware: The Internet of Things Is Finally Talking

The rise of the machines has begun: Steve Sande’s household fan is now self-aware.

Rumor Review: What to Expect from Apple's September 12 Media Event
From ACM Opinion

Rumor Review: What to Expect from Apple's September 12 Media Event

Six years since its debut, the iPhone shows no signs of slowing in popularity.

How to Fly the ­.s.'s Trillion-Dollar Stealth Fighter Jet
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How to Fly the ­.s.'s Trillion-Dollar Stealth Fighter Jet

The first rule of flying the world's most advanced fighter jet: Do not push the red button until you absolutely mean to.

Nah, Iran Probably Didn't Hack Cia's Stealth Drone
From ACM Opinion

Nah, Iran Probably Didn't Hack Cia's Stealth Drone

Four months after capturing a crashed U.S. stealth drone near the Iran-Afghanistan border, Tehran claims it has hacked into the ‘bot’s classified mission-control...

Five Reasons The Robo-Car Haters Are Wrong
From ACM Opinion

Five Reasons The Robo-Car Haters Are Wrong

The self-driving cars we’ve been promised since the dawn of the auto age are here.

iPhone Celebrates 5th Birthday
From ACM Opinion

iPhone Celebrates 5th Birthday

Gadget fans may be focused on the CES trade show this week, but there’s something else notable going on today: It’s the iPhone’s fifth birthday.

With Siri, Apple Could Eventually Build A Real AI
From ACM Opinion

With Siri, Apple Could Eventually Build A Real AI

As iPhone 4S's flood into the hands of the public, users are coming face-to-face with something they weren't quite expecting: Apple's new voice interface, Siri...

From ACM Opinion

Let Our Bots Do Our Tweeting For ­S

My tweets generally reflect a set of parochial interests I continually revisit: the shuffle function in iTunes, the Phillies’ crummy batting lineup, reviews of...

From ACM News

Is the Navy Trying to Start the Robot Apocalypse?

Whenever the military rolls out a new robot program, folks like to joke about SkyNet or the Rise of the Machines. But this time, the military really is starting...

Why Nasa Is Sending a Robot to Space That Looks Like You
From ACM Opinion

Why Nasa Is Sending a Robot to Space That Looks Like You

A humanoid robot will visit space for the first time in September aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery, NASA announced Wednesday. The Robonaut 2, which was co-developed...
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