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Why OpenAI's Codex Won't Replace Coders
From ACM Opinion

Why OpenAI's Codex Won't Replace Coders

Human programmers can actually become more powerful and efficient with Codex

Why Facebook Should Release the Facebook Files
From ACM Opinion

Why Facebook Should Release the Facebook Files

The company's least-bad option might also do a lot of good

'Self-Driving' Cars Begin to Emerge from a Cloud of Hype
From ACM Opinion

'Self-Driving' Cars Begin to Emerge from a Cloud of Hype

Developers try to overcome a multitude of technical challenges before vehicles drive on their own

Leadership Lessons about Ethical AI and Algorithms
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Leadership Lessons about Ethical AI and Algorithms

Wall Street Journal's Facebook series exposes flaws in leadership's handling of algorithms' unintended consequences

A Developer's Guide to Machine-Learning Security
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A Developer's Guide to Machine-Learning Security

Countering adversarial attacks means understanding the different types as well as the ML weak spots

Who's Building the Foundation Models of the Future?
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Who's Building the Foundation Models of the Future?

Curation, auditing, and evaluation of so-called 'foundation models' should not be left to the tech industry.

The Imperative for Sustainable AI Systems
From ACM Opinion

The Imperative for Sustainable AI Systems

The impact of AI's massive carbon footprint is social, not just environmental

Apple and Facebook Are Coming for Your Face Next
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Apple and Facebook Are Coming for Your Face Next

The face computer is coming—brace yourself

Machine Learning Won't Solve Natural Language Understanding
From ACM Opinion

Machine Learning Won't Solve Natural Language Understanding

Data-driven approaches to NLU are psychologically, cognitively, and computationally implausible.

The Third Revolution in Warfare
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The Third Revolution in Warfare

First there was gunpowder. Then nuclear weapons. Next: artificially intelligent weapons.

How Open Source Software Shapes AI Policy
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How Open Source Software Shapes AI Policy

And why it is largely absent from policy discussions on artificial intelligence

Did DeepMind Just Take a Big Step Toward More Human-Like AI?
From ACM Opinion

Did DeepMind Just Take a Big Step Toward More Human-Like AI?

DeepMind researchers have created software agents that navigate a three-dimensional game world called XLand, where the agents learn from experience, by trial and...

No More Mr. Nice Robot?
From ACM Opinion

No More Mr. Nice Robot?

Humans might want—and need—robots to be jerks, at least sometimes.

Tesla's Dojo Is Impressive, but It Won't Transform Supercomputing
From ACM Opinion

Tesla's Dojo Is Impressive, but It Won't Transform Supercomputing

Dojo's reported performance numbers and niche application place it outside the ranks of true supercomputers

Why Common Sense Is Hard for Computers
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Why Common Sense Is Hard for Computers

Recent efforts have recognized machine common sense as a moonshot AI problem of our times

A Thumbs Down for Streaming Privacy
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A Thumbs Down for Streaming Privacy

The streaming apps and devices we pay for aren't necessarily careful with our personal information.

Elon Musk's Tesla Bot Is a Joke
From ACM Opinion

Elon Musk's Tesla Bot Is a Joke

Don't overthink it: It's just a distraction and an empty promise

How AI Can Enhance the Human Experience
From ACM Opinion

How AI Can Enhance the Human Experience

With AI, the digital age can complement humanity like never before

Now That Machines Can Learn, Can They Unlearn?
From ACM Opinion

Now That Machines Can Learn, Can They Unlearn?

Researchers are testing whether they can remove sensitive data without retraining AI systems from scratch

'I Predict That the Metaverse Won't Happen'
From ACM Opinion

'I Predict That the Metaverse Won't Happen'

Silicon Valley has been anticipating virtual reality for more than three decades, but people mostly like actual reality
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