Largest tech companies seem poised to expand their reach and influence over the rest of the economy, rather than relinquish it
The New York Times From ACM Opinion | February 23, 2022
Seeking to increase the interoperability among the technical and social sciences toward new forms of governance associated with digital technology.
Urs Gasser, Virgílio Almeida From Communications of the ACM | March 1, 2022
Exploring immersive theatre as a way to educate audiences and study their perceptions of privacy and technology ethics.
Michael Skirpan, Maggie Oates, Daragh Byrne, Robert Cunningham, Lorrie Faith Cranor From Communications of the ACM | March 1, 2022
In some U.S. cities, 5G is slower than the old 4G system; Washington must make it a priority
The Wall Street Journal From ACM Opinion | February 18, 2022
Experts believe building the metaverse will require nearly every kind of chip to be an order of magnitude more powerful than it is today
Protocol From ACM Opinion | February 15, 2022
Technologies such as AlphaCode cannot think about and design their own problems, but they are very good problem solvers
TechTalks From ACM Opinion | February 15, 2022
Virtual worlds need strong, enforceable rules to avoid the harassment and stalking common on social media platforms
TechRepublic From ACM Opinion | February 14, 2022
Human programmers are in control but they must learn to harness the power and limits of AI-generated code
TechTalks From ACM Opinion | February 8, 2022
The U.S. government should put more care and due diligence into its use and advocacy of facial recognition technology
The Conversation From ACM Opinion | February 4, 2022
The challenge of autonomous nuclear weapons is a serious one that has received little attention
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists From ACM Opinion | February 2, 2022
Some Indian Institutes of Technology are struggling to establish themselves and must quickly turn things around
Nature From ACM Opinion | February 1, 2022