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AI Model Transferability in Healthcare: A Sociotechnical Perspective
From ACM Opinion

AI Model Transferability in Healthcare: A Sociotechnical Perspective

To realize the promised benefits of applying AI and ML models at scale, a roadmap of the challenges and potential solutions to sociotechnical transferability is...

An Emergent Legal Right to Repair Electronic Devices
From Communications of the ACM

An Emergent Legal Right to Repair Electronic Devices

Parsing the fine print on repair tolerances.

A Common-Sense Test for AI Could Lead to Smarter Machines
From ACM Opinion

A Common-Sense Test for AI Could Lead to Smarter Machines

Injecting common sense into AI could mean big things for humans.

How AI Could Accidentally Extinguish Humankind
From ACM Opinion

How AI Could Accidentally Extinguish Humankind

Humanity is not prepared for artificial superintelligence right now.

These Are Not the Apes You Are Looking For
From Communications of the ACM

These Are Not the Apes You Are Looking For

Considering copyright licensing issues involving non-fungible tokens to manage creative works.

The Latin of Software Code Is Thriving
From ACM Opinion

The Latin of Software Code Is Thriving

Next time you laugh at musty old tech, remember that new technologies are often built on it.

Semiconductor Dependency Imperils American Security
From ACM Opinion

Semiconductor Dependency Imperils American Security

The U.S. Innovation and Competition Act is only the first step in preventing Chinese dominance.

Apple's Challenge to Virtualization Software
From Communications of the ACM

Apple's Challenge to Virtualization Software

Is it okay for security researchers to virtualize software to look for vulnerabilities?

'Sentience' Is the Wrong Discussion to Have on AI Right Now
From ACM Opinion

'Sentience' Is the Wrong Discussion to Have on AI Right Now

A more important conversation would be one about human compatibility and trust.

Google's 'Sentient' Chatbot Is Our Self-Deceiving Future
From ACM Opinion

Google's 'Sentient' Chatbot Is Our Self-Deceiving Future

The next generation of AI will put the pathetic fallacy on steroids.

It's Time for AI to Retire the Turing Test
From ACM Opinion

It's Time for AI to Retire the Turing Test

The Turing Test's most troubling legacy is an ethical one: It is fundamentally about deception.

Why Robots Need to See
From ACM Opinion

Why Robots Need to See

Cameras and vision-based perception will increasingly serve as the technological underpinning for mobile robots going forward.

Why All Cryptocurrency Should 'Die in a Fire'
From ACM Opinion

Why All Cryptocurrency Should 'Die in a Fire'

Computer scientist Nicholas Weaver thinks cryptocurrency is a terrible idea that will end in disaster.

Can Large Language Models Be Democratized?
From ACM Opinion

Can Large Language Models Be Democratized?

The very nature of large language models is undemocratic and in favor of the companies that publicize them.

Don't Be Dazzled by Claims of Artificial Intelligence
From ACM Opinion

Don't Be Dazzled by Claims of Artificial Intelligence

Media coverage must hold tech companies to account over claims about AI.

Beyond Interpretability: Developing a Language to Shape Our Relationships with AI
From ACM Opinion

Beyond Interpretability: Developing a Language to Shape Our Relationships with AI

Wouldn't it be nice if we could ask AI questions to learn how and why it makes its predictions?

To Win the Next War, the Pentagon Needs Nerds
From ACM Opinion

To Win the Next War, the Pentagon Needs Nerds

Data scientists, coders, and other techies could prove decisive in future conflicts—if Uncle Sam can recruit them.

Is AI Threatened by Too Little Data?
From ACM Opinion

Is AI Threatened by Too Little Data?

Knowing when to limit your data dramatically affects the quality of your artificial intelligence.

Two Paths for Digital Disability Law
From Communications of the ACM

Two Paths for Digital Disability Law

Understanding the legal drivers of efforts to make technology accessible.

The AI in a Jar
From ACM Opinion

The AI in a Jar

Exploring a metaphysical argument against artificial intelligence.
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