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Tesla AI Chief Says Self-Driving Cars Don't Need Lidar
From ACM Opinion

Tesla AI Chief Says Self-Driving Cars Don't Need Lidar

Andrej Karpathy shares why the company still believes in a purely vision-based autonomous driving solution.

Reimplementing Software Interfaces Is Fair Use
From Communications of the ACM

Reimplementing Software Interfaces Is Fair Use

A multifactored rationale for denying Oracle's claim against Google.

Software Professionals, Malpractice Law, and Codes of Ethics
From Communications of the ACM

Software Professionals, Malpractice Law, and Codes of Ethics

In pursuit of professional status for computing professionals.

Understanding Law and the Rule of Law
From Communications of the ACM

Understanding Law and the Rule of Law: A Plea to Augment CS Curricula

Why law matters for computer scientists and other folk.

Tech in the Post-Pandemic World
From ACM Opinion

Tech in the Post-Pandemic World

Assessing its future, both the bad and the good.

Google Has A Plan To 'Fix' Online Privacy. Everybody Hates It
From ACM Opinion

Google Has A Plan To 'Fix' Online Privacy. Everybody Hates It

Google recently decided to adopt a new way to track users, and says it's more private than cookies and nearly as effective for advertising. The rest of the Internet...

We Need a Global Push to Connect the World's Young People
From ACM Opinion

We Need a Global Push to Connect the World's Young People

As the World Wide Web turns 32, web inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Web Foundation Co-founder Rosemary Leith reflect on its power to catalyze change and advocate...

The Worldwide Web As We Know It May Be Ending
From ACM Opinion

The Worldwide Web As We Know It May Be Ending

A combination of rising nationalism, trade disputes, and concerns about the market dominance of certain global tech companies has prompted threats of regulatory...

Why Was SolarWinds So Vulnerable to a Hack?
From ACM Opinion

Why Was SolarWinds So Vulnerable to a Hack?

The federal government should set minimum security standards for software and software development.

The Push for Stricter Rules for Internet Platforms
From Communications of the ACM

The Push for Stricter Rules for Internet Platforms

Considering the origins, interpretations, and possible changes to Communications Decency Act §230 amid an evolving online environment.

I Talked to the Cassandra of the Internet Age
From ACM Opinion

I Talked to the Cassandra of the Internet Age

The Internet rewired our brains. Michael Goldhaber predicted it would.

An Argument Against Cloud-based Applications
From ACM Opinion

An Argument Against Cloud-based Applications

The cloud is the excuse and tool that allows the mass collection of our personal data.

There's No Equity in CS Education Without Connectivity
From ACM Opinion

There's No Equity in CS Education Without Connectivity

Access to computer science education begins with closing the digital divide and ensuring all students have adequate broadband Internet.

Content Moderation Modulation
From Communications of the ACM

Content Moderation Modulation

Deliberating on how to regulate—or not regulate—online speech in the era of evolving social media.

Imagine a World Without Apps
From ACM Opinion

Imagine a World Without Apps

Video games are inching away from apps. Maybe every other industry can, too.

Silicon Politics
From Communications of the ACM

Silicon Politics

Tracing the widening path between Silicon Valley and Washington, D.C.

Removing Kode
From Communications of the ACM

Removing Kode

Dead functions and dead features.

Copyright's Online Service Providers Safe Harbors Under Siege
From Communications of the ACM

Copyright's Online Service Providers Safe Harbors Under Siege

Reviewing the most significant changes recommended in the recently released U.S. Copyright Office Section 512 Study.

Why the Most Controversial U.S. Internet Law Is Worth Saving
From ACM Opinion

Why the Most Controversial U.S. Internet Law Is Worth Saving

Donald Trump and Joe Biden both want to throw out Section 230. Here's why America should fix it instead. By Paul M. Barrett, deputy director of the NYU Stern Center...

Section 230 Is a Government License to Build Rage Machines
From ACM Opinion

Section 230 Is a Government License to Build Rage Machines

Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act serves as Facebook and Google's get-out-of-jail-free card for conspiracies and disinformation.
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