How more than 25years of experience with aviation safety-critical systems can be applied to autonomous vehicle systems.
Jaynarayan H. Lala, Carl E. Landwehr, John F. Meyer From Communications of the ACM | September 1, 2020
Considering the recent increased attention to privacy law issues amid the typically slow pace of legal change.
Margot Kaminski From Communications of the ACM | September 1, 2020
Researchers are too focused on whether AI systems can ace tests of dubious value. They should be testing whether systems grasp how the world works.
MIT Technology Review From ACM Opinion | August 5, 2020
Cerf shares his views on the future of the Internet, the importance of trust and empathy, and the impact of new technologies like IoT and AI on the future of communications...ZDNet From ACM Opinion | July 13, 2020
Colleges and universities should embrace the classic tutorial system and adapt it for the online world.
The New York Times From ACM Opinion | July 8, 2020
Considering the role of humans in copyright protection of outputs produced by artificial intelligence.
Pamela Samuelson From Communications of the ACM | July 1, 2020
Demand for Chegg roughly doubled when schools shut down, but its chief executive, Dan Rosensweig, now needs to figure out how the company will adapt.
The New York Times From ACM Opinion | June 15, 2020
The social media information ecosystem driven solely by popularity fails to recognize what truly matters and makes it exceedingly difficult to see what's really...Om From ACM Opinion | June 10, 2020
Limiting sensitive information leakage via smart-home sensor data.
Connor Bolton, Kevin Fu, Josiah Hester, Jun Han From Communications of the ACM | June 1, 2020
Some students may be at a disadvantage as e-learning relies heavily on home environments, experts say.
Times Higher Education From ACM Opinion | April 24, 2020
What will the world be like after the COVID-19 crisis? A contactless sociality solves problems using the digital network and physical proximity.
Desis Network From ACM Opinion | April 13, 2020
Most U.S. schools are closed, with instruction shifting to the Internet. That's a problem for millions of people without reliable broadband, including 20 percent...Wired From ACM Opinion | April 9, 2020
The spread of the novel coronavirus around the world has proven conclusively that the Internet should be a public utility.
Quartz From ACM Opinion | March 30, 2020
The United States can learn from other countries to track the pandemic while still protecting privacy.
The New York Times From ACM Opinion | March 27, 2020
Considering the merits of several models and approaches to Internet governance.
Kieron O'Hara, Wendy Hall From Communications of the ACM | March 1, 2020