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The Brain Implants That Could Change Humanity
From ACM Opinion

The Brain Implants That Could Change Humanity

Brains are talking to computers, and computers to brains. Are our daydreams safe?

Autonomous Vehicle Safety
From Communications of the ACM

Autonomous Vehicle Safety: Lessons from Aviation

How more than 25years of experience with aviation safety-critical systems can be applied to autonomous vehicle systems.

A Recent Renaissance in Privacy Law
From Communications of the ACM

A Recent Renaissance in Privacy Law

Considering the recent increased attention to privacy law issues amid the typically slow pace of legal change.

The Field of Natural Language Processing is Chasing the Wrong Goal
From ACM Opinion

The Field of Natural Language Processing is Chasing the Wrong Goal

Researchers are too focused on whether AI systems can ace tests of dubious value. They should be testing whether systems grasp how the world works.

Vint Cerf: COVID-19 Highlights How We Need Better Internet Access Everywhere
From ACM Opinion

Vint Cerf: COVID-19 Highlights How We Need Better Internet Access Everywhere

Cerf shares his views on the future of the Internet, the importance of trust and empathy, and the impact of new technologies like IoT and AI on the future of communications...

College Courses Online Are Disappointing. Here's How to Fix Them
From ACM Opinion

College Courses Online Are Disappointing. Here's How to Fix Them

Colleges and universities should embrace the classic tutorial system and adapt it for the online world.

AI Authorship?
From Communications of the ACM

AI Authorship?

Considering the role of humans in copyright protection of outputs produced by artificial intelligence.

For Online Learning, Business Has Never Been Better
From ACM Opinion

For Online Learning, Business Has Never Been Better

Demand for Chegg roughly doubled when schools shut down, but its chief executive, Dan Rosensweig, now needs to figure out how the company will adapt.

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly (of Technology)
From ACM Opinion

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly (of Technology)

The social media information ecosystem driven solely by popularity fails to recognize what truly matters and makes it exceedingly difficult to see what's really...

How to Curtail Oversensing in the Home
From Communications of the ACM

How to Curtail Oversensing in the Home

Limiting sensitive information leakage via smart-home sensor data.

Why Zoom Is Terrible
From ACM Opinion

Why Zoom Is Terrible

There's a reason video apps make you feel awkward and unfulfilled.

Will Online Education Widen Asia's Digital Divide?
From ACM Opinion

Will Online Education Widen Asia's Digital Divide?

Some students may be at a disadvantage as e-learning relies heavily on home environments, experts say.

What Role for Antitrust in Regulating Platforms?
From Communications of the ACM

What Role for Antitrust in Regulating Platforms?

Using regulation to protect competition and innovation.

Secure Development Tools and Techniques Need More Research That Will Increase Their Impact and Effectiveness in Practice
From Communications of the ACM

Secure Development Tools and Techniques Need More Research That Will Increase Their Impact and Effectiveness in Practice

Secure development is an important and pressing problem.

Computers Do Not Make Art, People Do
From Communications of the ACM

Computers Do Not Make Art, People Do

The continually evolving relationship between artistic technologies and artists.

Contactless Sociability and Hybrid Communities of Place
From ACM Opinion

Contactless Sociability and Hybrid Communities of Place

What will the world be like after the COVID-19 crisis? A contactless sociality solves problems using the digital network and physical proximity.

When School Is Online, the Digital Divide Grows Greater
From ACM Opinion

When School Is Online, the Digital Divide Grows Greater

Most U.S. schools are closed, with instruction shifting to the Internet. That's a problem for millions of people without reliable broadband, including 20 percent...

The Coronavirus Crisis Proves The Internet Should Be A Public Utility
From ACM Opinion

The Coronavirus Crisis Proves The Internet Should Be A Public Utility

The spread of the novel coronavirus around the world has proven conclusively that the Internet should be a public utility.

How to (Carefully) Use Tech to Contain the Coronavirus
From ACM Opinion

How to (Carefully) Use Tech to Contain the Coronavirus

The United States can learn from other countries to track the pandemic while still protecting privacy.

Four Internets
From Communications of the ACM

Four Internets

Considering the merits of several models and approaches to Internet governance.
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