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Artificial Creativity?
From ACM Opinion

Artificial Creativity?

Models such as DALL-E dissociate ideation from implementation, but do we care?

AI Researchers Building Surveillance Tech and Deep Fakes Resist Ethical Concerns
From ACM Opinion

AI Researchers Building Surveillance Tech and Deep Fakes Resist Ethical Concerns

The computer vision research community is behind on AI ethics, but it is not just a research problem.

Could AI Replace Therapists?
From ACM Opinion

Could AI Replace Therapists?

A non-sentient artificial intelligence may be able to offer effective psychotherapy.

Should Machines Replace Mathematicians?
From ACM Opinion

Should Machines Replace Mathematicians?

A "replication crisis" in mathematics raises questions about the purpose of knowledge.

Who Is Liable when AI Kills?
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Who Is Liable when AI Kills?

We need to change rules and institutions while still promoting innovation to protect people from faulty AI.

'Sentience' Is the Wrong Discussion to Have on AI Right Now
From ACM Opinion

'Sentience' Is the Wrong Discussion to Have on AI Right Now

A more important conversation would be one about human compatibility and trust.

Google's 'Sentient' Chatbot Is Our Self-Deceiving Future
From ACM Opinion

Google's 'Sentient' Chatbot Is Our Self-Deceiving Future

The next generation of AI will put the pathetic fallacy on steroids.

Human-Like Programs Abuse Our Empathy
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Human-Like Programs Abuse Our Empathy

It is easy to be fooled by the mimicry, but consumers need transparency about how such systems are used.

It's Time for AI to Retire the Turing Test
From ACM Opinion

It's Time for AI to Retire the Turing Test

The Turing Test's most troubling legacy is an ethical one: It is fundamentally about deception.

'AI Is Invisible'
From ACM Opinion

'AI Is Invisible'

Wendy Hall, computer scientist and acting chair of the AI Council, talks about challenging perceptions around AI.

How Smarter AI Will Change Creativity
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How Smarter AI Will Change Creativity

The promise and perils of a breakthrough in machine intelligence.

AI Is Ushering In a New Scientific Revolution
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AI Is Ushering In a New Scientific Revolution

AI is transforming the scientific process, automating and adding to what people can accomplish using it.

Artificial General Intelligence Is Not as Imminent as You Might Think
From ACM Opinion

Artificial General Intelligence Is Not as Imminent as You Might Think

A close look reveals that the newest systems, including DeepMind's much-hyped Gato, are still stymied by the same old problems.

'I Don't Really Trust Papers Out of Top AI Labs Anymore'
From ACM Opinion

'I Don't Really Trust Papers Out of Top AI Labs Anymore'

The AI domain is grappling with the replication crisis that has gripped the scientific community for ages, mostly because researchers often don't share their source...

We Should Not Try to Make Conscious Software—Until We Should
From ACM Opinion

We Should Not Try to Make Conscious Software—Until We Should

Eventually, the most ethical option might be to divert all resources toward building very happy machines.

Artificial Intelligence Is Breaking Patent Law
From ACM Opinion

Artificial Intelligence Is Breaking Patent Law

Inventions devised by machines require their own intellectual property law and an international treaty.

Lessons From Deploying Deep Learning to Production
From ACM Opinion

Lessons From Deploying Deep Learning to Production

Peter Gao, an early engineer at Cruise, reflects on his experience deploying deep-learning models into production.

Can Large Language Models Be Democratized?
From ACM Opinion

Can Large Language Models Be Democratized?

The very nature of large language models is undemocratic and in favor of the companies that publicize them.

Don't Be Dazzled by Claims of Artificial Intelligence
From ACM Opinion

Don't Be Dazzled by Claims of Artificial Intelligence

Media coverage must hold tech companies to account over claims about AI.

AI Companies Are Massively Faking the Loophole in the Turing Test
From ACM Opinion

AI Companies Are Massively Faking the Loophole in the Turing Test

Claims that an AI has achieved human levels of understanding should be approached with skepticism until it can be shown that humans were not involved.
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