Is artificial intelligence up to the task of managing online discourse in social networks?
Erich Prem From Communications of the ACM | February 1, 2022
It's simple enough for AI to seem to comprehend data, but devising a true test of a machine's knowledge has proved difficult
From ACM Opinion | December 17, 2021
Attempting to mitigate problems associated with the trend toward massive dataset scaling.
Vincent J. Hellendoorn, Anand Ashok Sawant From Communications of the ACM | January 1, 2022
While helpful in comparing AI performance, benchmarks are often taken out of context, sometimes to harmful results
TechTalks From ACM Opinion | December 7, 2021
Charging computer scientists to develop the science needed to best achieve the performance and cost goals of accelerator-level parallelism hardware and software...Mark D. Hill, Vijay Janapa Reddi From Communications of the ACM | December 1, 2021
Improving on data portability.
Marshall W. Van Alstyne, Georgios Petropoulos, Geoffrey Parker, Bertin Martens From Communications of the ACM | December 1, 2021
Privacy engineers are essential to both preventing and responding to organizational privacy problems.
Lea Kissner, Lorrie Cranor From Communications of the ACM | November 1, 2021
Reporting machine learning-based research can help to improve transparency and reproducibility
Nature Computational Science From ACM Opinion | October 22, 2021