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Communications of the ACM

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A Call to Action
From Communications of the ACM

A Call to Action

Digital dreams have become nightmares: What we must do.

I Unplugged What?
From Communications of the ACM

I Unplugged What?

The lessons here are broader than just a simple "Don't do that."

Becoming Universal
From Communications of the ACM

Becoming Universal

A new history of modern computing.

A Brave New World of Mediated Online Discourse
From Communications of the ACM

A Brave New World of Mediated Online Discourse

Is artificial intelligence up to the task of managing online discourse in social networks?

Individual AI, a New Technology that Will Change Our World?
From ACM Opinion

Individual AI, a New Technology that Will Change Our World?

Is the next version of AI a technological symbiosis of the human brain and the computer system?

Deep Learning Can't Be Trusted
From ACM Opinion

Deep Learning Can't Be Trusted

Brain modeling pioneer Stephen Grossberg explains why his ART model is better

What Does It Mean for AI to Understand?
From ACM Opinion

What Does It Mean for AI to Understand?

It's simple enough for AI to seem to comprehend data, but devising a true test of a machine's knowledge has proved difficult

The Growing Cost of Deep Learning for Source Code
From Communications of the ACM

The Growing Cost of Deep Learning for Source Code

Attempting to mitigate problems associated with the trend toward massive dataset scaling.

The Long Road Ahead to Transition to Post-Quantum Cryptography
From Communications of the ACM

The Long Road Ahead to Transition to Post-Quantum Cryptography

Anticipating the output of the competition for new cryptographic algorithms.

Why We Must Rethink AI Benchmarks
From ACM Opinion

Why We Must Rethink AI Benchmarks

While helpful in comparing AI performance, benchmarks are often taken out of context, sometimes to harmful results

What Every Engineer and Computer Scientist Should Know
From Communications of the ACM

What Every Engineer and Computer Scientist Should Know: The Biggest Contributor to Happiness

Seeking the fundamental factors instrumental to happiness.

Patent Absurdity
From Communications of the ACM

Patent Absurdity

A case when ignorance is the best policy.

Accelerator-Level Parallelism
From Communications of the ACM

Accelerator-Level Parallelism

Charging computer scientists to develop the science needed to best achieve the performance and cost goals of accelerator-level parallelism hardware and software...

'In Situ' Data Rights
From Communications of the ACM

'In Situ' Data Rights

Improving on data portability.

'Yeah, We're Spooked', Says Expert about AI's Potential Impact
From ACM Opinion

'Yeah, We're Spooked', Says Expert about AI's Potential Impact

Professor Stuart Russell says field of AI needs to grow up quickly to ensure humans remain in control

Strong AI Requires Autonomous Building of Composable Models
From ACM Opinion

Strong AI Requires Autonomous Building of Composable Models

Models built by AI must encode the fundamental patterns of experience

We Are Not Users
From Communications of the ACM

We Are Not Users: Gaining Control Over New Technologies

Seeking a more selective approach to technology usage.

Shaping Ethical Computing Cultures
From Communications of the ACM

Shaping Ethical Computing Cultures

Lessons from the recent past.

Privacy Engineering Superheroes
From Communications of the ACM

Privacy Engineering Superheroes

Privacy engineers are essential to both preventing and responding to organizational privacy problems.

Moving Towards Reproducible Machine Learning
From ACM Opinion

Moving Towards Reproducible Machine Learning

Reporting machine learning-based research can help to improve transparency and reproducibility
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