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AI Needs to Prevent Cyberattacks, Not Just Detect Them
From ACM Opinion

AI Needs to Prevent Cyberattacks, Not Just Detect Them

AI should be enabling faster, automated, more ubiquitous prevention of cyberattacks

The Turing Test Is Bad for Business
From ACM Opinion

The Turing Test Is Bad for Business

Technology should focus on the complementarity game, not the imitation game

The Chip That Could Transform Computing
From ACM Opinion

The Chip That Could Transform Computing

Apple's new M1 processors are generating loads of power...and excitement

'Yeah, We're Spooked', Says Expert about AI's Potential Impact
From ACM Opinion

'Yeah, We're Spooked', Says Expert about AI's Potential Impact

Professor Stuart Russell says field of AI needs to grow up quickly to ensure humans remain in control

Complexity Is Killing Software Developers
From ACM Opinion

Complexity Is Killing Software Developers

How to regain control, without losing out on the best these technologies have to offer

Strong AI Requires Autonomous Building of Composable Models
From ACM Opinion

Strong AI Requires Autonomous Building of Composable Models

Models built by AI must encode the fundamental patterns of experience

How AI Is Reinventing What Computers Are
From ACM Opinion

How AI Is Reinventing What Computers Are

Three key ways artificial intelligence is changing what it means to compute

Medical Artificial Intelligence
From Communications of the ACM

Medical Artificial Intelligence: The European Legal Perspective

Although the European Commission proposed new legislation for the use of "high-risk artificial intelligence" earlier this year, the existing European fundamental...

Text and Data Mining of In-Copyright Works
From Communications of the ACM

Text and Data Mining of In-Copyright Works: Is It Legal?

How copyright law might be an impediment to text and data mining research.

Which Crypto Platform Will Rule Them All?
From ACM Opinion

Which Crypto Platform Will Rule Them All?

Can Ethereum remain the crypto platform of choice for developers?

Supersized AIs: Are Truly Intelligent Machines Just a Matter of Scale?
From ACM Opinion

Supersized AIs: Are Truly Intelligent Machines Just a Matter of Scale?

Gigantic neural networks that write with remarkable fluency have led to suggestions that scaling up will usher in ultimately true machine intelligence

Will the Cloud Eat Your AI?
From ACM Opinion

Will the Cloud Eat Your AI?

Big cloud providers have a lot going for them when it comes to AI, but are they the only game in town?

It's Time to Stop Paying for a VPN
From ACM Opinion

It's Time to Stop Paying for a VPN

Many services meant to protect your Web browsing can no longer be trusted

Why OpenAI's Codex Won't Replace Coders
From ACM Opinion

Why OpenAI's Codex Won't Replace Coders

Human programmers can actually become more powerful and efficient with Codex

'Self-Driving' Cars Begin to Emerge from a Cloud of Hype
From ACM Opinion

'Self-Driving' Cars Begin to Emerge from a Cloud of Hype

Developers try to overcome a multitude of technical challenges before vehicles drive on their own

Leadership Lessons about Ethical AI and Algorithms
From ACM Opinion

Leadership Lessons about Ethical AI and Algorithms

Wall Street Journal's Facebook series exposes flaws in leadership's handling of algorithms' unintended consequences

America Is Being Held for Ransom, and It Needs to Fight Back
From ACM Opinion

America Is Being Held for Ransom, and It Needs to Fight Back

A comprehensive anti-ransomware strategy must make it tougher for criminal groups and their sponsors to carry out attacks

Where Should Information Go to Be Safe?
From ACM Opinion

Where Should Information Go to Be Safe?

Enterprise data is safest in the cloud and in the 'fog', according to one expert

The Third Revolution in Warfare
From ACM Opinion

The Third Revolution in Warfare

First there was gunpowder. Then nuclear weapons. Next: artificially intelligent weapons.

The World Is Running Out of Microchips—Here's the Solution
From ACM Opinion

The World Is Running Out of Microchips—Here's the Solution

Microchips are produced by a few large companies; an open-source design approach could end their dominance
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