It takes a lot of effort, research, and efficiency to manipulate people online and influence their behavior in the real world. Silicon Valley has it down to a science...Wired From ACM Opinion | August 8, 2019
I don't know how long it will be before we get robot umpires calling balls and strikes, but the technology is here to do it today.
Tech.pinions From ACM Opinion | August 6, 2019
The fundamentals of the field of Internet law have remained consistent, but details have evolved in response to technological innovation.
James Grimmelmann From Communications of the ACM | May 1, 2019
Examining the expansion, proliferation, and integration of computing education everywhere.
Emmanuel Schanzer, Shriram Krishnamurthi, Kathi Fisler From Communications of the ACM | May 1, 2019
The average person would have to spend 76 working days reading all of the digital privacy policies they agree to in the span of a year. Reading Amazon's terms and...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | February 7, 2019
With Microsoft's decision to end development of its own Web rendering engine and switch to Chromium, control over the Web has functionally been ceded to Google....Ars Technica From ACM Opinion | December 20, 2018
Considering a potential platform candidate in the evolving realm of gene-editing technologies research.
Michael A. Cusumano From Communications of the ACM | January 1, 2019
Considering the difficult technical and sociological issues affecting the regulation of artificial intelligence research and applications.
Oren Etzioni From Communications of the ACM | December 1, 2018
Permissionless innovation should be the governing policy for AI technologies.
Andrea O'Sullivan, Adam Thierer From Communications of the ACM | December 1, 2018
In February, the spaceflight company founded by Elon Musk conducted a test launch of its Falcon Heavy rocket, which successfully sent its payload into orbit around...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | October 31, 2018
This year, John Badham's WarGames—one of the movies most beloved by hackers, techies, and tech policy wonks (like me!)—celebrates its 35th anniversary.
Slate From ACM Opinion | October 9, 2018
This past April a new video of Barack Obama surfaced on the Internet. Against a backdrop that included both the American and presidential flags, it looked like...Scientific American From ACM Opinion | October 4, 2018
Watching a 50th anniversary screening of "2001: A Space Odyssey," I found myself, a mathematician and computer scientist whose research includes work related to...The Conversation From ACM Opinion | October 3, 2018
Since the advent of Donald Trump's candidacy, there's been a ton of focus on botnets and sockpuppets—automated and semiautomated social media accounts that use...Wired From ACM Opinion | October 3, 2018
A new form of misinformation is poised to spread through online communities as the 2018 midterm election campaigns heat up. Called "deepfakes" after the pseudonymous...The Conversation From ACM Opinion | August 29, 2018
A long time ago, in the bad old days of the 2000s, debates about the Internet were dominated by two great tribes: the Optimists and the Pessimists.
Technology Review From ACM Opinion | August 29, 2018