In the spring of 1964 the filmmaker Stanley Kubrick was very worried. NASA was about to fly the Mariner 4 space probe past Mars.
The New York Times From ACM Opinion | May 11, 2018
When people have free and unfettered choices of activities, they both entertain and express themselves through their pastimes—whether stamp or coin collecting,...The Conversation From ACM Opinion | May 2, 2018
Fifty years ago this spring, Stanley Kubrick's confounding sci-fi masterpiece, "2001: A Space Odyssey," had its premières across the country.
The New Yorker From ACM Opinion | April 23, 2018
In a dank corner of the internet, it is possible to find actresses from Game of Thrones or Harry Potter engaged in all manner of sex acts. Or at least to the world...The Atlantic From ACM Opinion | April 11, 2018
In 1959, the mathematician and satirist Tom Lehrer—who turns 90 this month—performed what he characteristically called a "completely pointless" scientific song...Nature From ACM Careers | April 9, 2018
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg held a rare conference call with reporters on Wednesday as part of the company's newfound spirit of openness with the media in the... From ACM Opinion | April 5, 2018
It's a testament to the lasting influence of Stanley Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke's film "2001: A Space Odyssey," which turns 50 this week, that the disc-shaped...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | April 4, 2018
In the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, news articles and commentators have focused on what Facebook knows about us. A lot, it turns out.
CNN From ACM Opinion | April 2, 2018
I was fortunate enough to catch a preview screening of Ready Player One, Steven Spielberg's adaptation of Ernest Cline's futuristic novel.
The Conversation From ACM Opinion | March 26, 2018
At first glance, Dark Hammer looks a lot like any other science fiction comic book: On the front cover, a drone flies over a river dividing a city with damaged...IEEE Spectrum From ACM Opinion | March 23, 2018
In an unprecedented attack of candour, Sean Parker, the 38-year-old founding president of Facebook, recently admitted that the social network was founded not to...The Guardian From ACM News | March 5, 2018
I'll make this short: The thing you're doing now, reading prose on a screen, is going out of fashion.
The New York Times From ACM Opinion | February 9, 2018
When I first met John Perry Barlow, we became instant soulmates. While that sentence is true for me, it also applies to probably 10,000 other people.
Wired From ACM Opinion | February 8, 2018