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Kubernetes Magic Is in Enterprise Standardization, Not App Portability
From ACM Opinion

Kubernetes Magic Is in Enterprise Standardization, Not App Portability

Kubernetes isn't going to magically make your applications portable, but it just might give you something even better.

Building Artificial Intelligence: Reward Is Not Enough
From ACM Opinion

Building Artificial Intelligence: Reward Is Not Enough

Rewards are not enough to build artificial intelligence, says data scientist Herbert Roitblat, countering claims from a recent paper by DeepMind scientists.

 Non-Relational's Quiet Revolution in Databases
From ACM Opinion

Non-Relational's Quiet Revolution in Databases

It's no longer exciting to talk about the rise of non-relational databases, but it's happening all the same.

TinyML: What Is It and How Will It Change Machine Learning Best Practices?
From ACM Opinion

TinyML: What Is It and How Will It Change Machine Learning Best Practices?

TinyML will change machine-learning best practices by encouraging more developers to view it as a viable option.

Tesla AI Chief Says Self-Driving Cars Don't Need Lidar
From ACM Opinion

Tesla AI Chief Says Self-Driving Cars Don't Need Lidar

Andrej Karpathy shares why the company still believes in a purely vision-based autonomous driving solution.

 The Danger of Anthropomorphic Language in Robotic AI Systems
From ACM Opinion

The Danger of Anthropomorphic Language in Robotic AI Systems

Clear, non-anthropomorphic language is central to dismantling misconceptions of AI as a black box.

How Do We Stop the Supercomputing Carbon Crisis?
From ACM Opinion

How Do We Stop the Supercomputing Carbon Crisis?

Efficiency measures are struggling to keep pace with, let alone make headway on, the accelerating demands of modern supercomputers.

Neo4j's $325 Million Venture Suggests Databases Are Cool Again
From ACM Opinion

Neo4j's $325 Million Venture Suggests Databases Are Cool Again

Relational databases aren't dead, but database innovation is cropping up in all sorts of places now, including graph databases.

 The Next Critical Talent Shortage Won't Be Fortran
From ACM Opinion

The Next Critical Talent Shortage Won't Be Fortran

To understand where talent shortages might arise, look at critical infrastructure.

Reimplementing Software Interfaces Is Fair Use
From Communications of the ACM

Reimplementing Software Interfaces Is Fair Use

A multifactored rationale for denying Oracle's claim against Google.

Google's AI Approach to Microchips Is Welcome—but Needs Care
From ACM Opinion

Google's AI Approach to Microchips Is Welcome—but Needs Care

Artificial intelligence can help the electronics industry to speed up chip design. But the gains must be shared equitably.

What Makes Quantum Computing So Hard to Explain?
From ACM Opinion

What Makes Quantum Computing So Hard to Explain?

To understand what quantum computers can do—and what they can’t—avoid falling for overly simple explanations.

Machine Learning Security Needs New Perspectives and Incentives
From ACM Opinion

Machine Learning Security Needs New Perspectives and Incentives

Researchers and developers racing to make deep learning available to different applications need to actively seek out and address security challenges before they...

Theorists and Experimentalists Must Join Forces
From ACM Opinion

Theorists and Experimentalists Must Join Forces

Collaborations between theorists and experimentalists are crucial for accelerating research.

European AI Needs Strategic Leadership, Not Overregulation
From ACM Opinion

European AI Needs Strategic Leadership, Not Overregulation

EU regulation of AI could limit the use cases and innovation and put the EU in a technologically inferior position globally.

Software Professionals, Malpractice Law, and Codes of Ethics
From Communications of the ACM

Software Professionals, Malpractice Law, and Codes of Ethics

In pursuit of professional status for computing professionals.

Understanding Law and the Rule of Law
From Communications of the ACM

Understanding Law and the Rule of Law: A Plea to Augment CS Curricula

Why law matters for computer scientists and other folk.

Why Cryptocurrency Is A Giant Fraud
From ACM Opinion

Why Cryptocurrency Is A Giant Fraud

Speculators might make money on cryptocurrency, but the arguments for its usefulness fail completely.

Why Bitcoin Is Bad for the Environment
From ACM Opinion

Why Bitcoin Is Bad for the Environment

Cryptocurrency mining uses huge amounts of power — and can be as destructive as the real thing.

The Push for Stricter Rules for Internet Platforms
From Communications of the ACM

The Push for Stricter Rules for Internet Platforms

Considering the origins, interpretations, and possible changes to Communications Decency Act §230 amid an evolving online environment.
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