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Communications of the ACM

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Trustworthy Scientific Computing
From Communications of the ACM

Trustworthy Scientific Computing

Addressing the trust issues underlying the current limits on data sharing.

The 10 Best Practices for Remote Software Engineering
From Communications of the ACM

The 10 Best Practices for Remote Software Engineering

Focusing on the human element of remote software engineer productivity.

Let's Be Honest
From Communications of the ACM

Let's Be Honest

Seeking to rectify the two mutually exclusive ways of comparing computational power — encoding and simulation.

Building a Multilingual Wikipedia
From Communications of the ACM

Building a Multilingual Wikipedia

Seeking to develop a multilingual Wikipedia where content can be shared among language editions.

Roots of 'Program' Revisited
From Communications of the ACM

Roots of 'Program' Revisited

Considering the fundamental nature and malleability of programming.

When Hackers Were Heroes
From Communications of the ACM

When Hackers Were Heroes

The complex legacy of Steven Levy's obsessive programmers.

The Non-Psychopath's Guide to Managing an Open Source Project
From Communications of the ACM

The Non-Psychopath's Guide to Managing an Open Source Project

Respect your staff, learn from others, and know when to let go.

What Can the Maker Movement Teach Us About the Digitization of Creativity?
From Communications of the ACM

What Can the Maker Movement Teach Us About the Digitization of Creativity?

Experimenting with the creative process.

50 Years of Pascal
From Communications of the ACM

50 Years of Pascal

The Pascal programming language creator Niklaus Wirth reflects on its origin, spread, and further development.

Science Is Not Another Opinion
From Communications of the ACM

Science Is Not Another Opinion

The issue is not who has the "truth," but whose claims deserve more credence.

What To Do About Deepfakes
From Communications of the ACM

What To Do About Deepfakes

Seeking to reap the positive uses of synthetic media while minimizing or preventing negative societal impact.

Informing California Privacy Regulations with Evidence from Research
From Communications of the ACM

Informing California Privacy Regulations with Evidence from Research

Designing and testing 'Do Not Sell My Personal Information' icons.

Let's Not Dumb Down the History of Computer Science
From Communications of the ACM

Let's Not Dumb Down the History of Computer Science

Donald Knuth on the best way to recognize the history of computer science.

Kabin Fever
From Communications of the ACM

Kabin Fever

KV's guidelines for KFH (koding from home).

When Permissioned Blockchains Deliver More Decentralization Than Permissionless
From Communications of the ACM

When Permissioned Blockchains Deliver More Decentralization Than Permissionless

Considerations for the governance of distributed systems.

Insights for AI from the Human Mind
From Communications of the ACM

Insights for AI from the Human Mind

How the cognitive sciences can inform the quest to build systems with the flexibility of the human mind.

The Immortal Soul of an Old Machine
From Communications of the ACM

The Immortal Soul of an Old Machine

Taking apart a book to figure out how it works.

Cybersecurity Research for the Future
From Communications of the ACM

Cybersecurity Research for the Future

Considering the wide range of technological and societal trade-offs associated with cybersecurity.

Federated Learning for Privacy-Preserving AI
From Communications of the ACM

Federated Learning for Privacy-Preserving AI

Engineering and algorithmic framework to ensure data privacy and user confidentiality.

Navigating in Real-Time Environments
From Communications of the ACM

Navigating in Real-Time Environments

An interview with Jim Selman.
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