Suggesting ways to reduce fragility in AI systems that include artificial neural networks.
Jeff A. Johnson, Daniel H. Bullock From Communications of the ACM | July 1, 2023
Proposing a framework for a decentralized market where no one party controls the flow of information.
Marshall Van Alstyne, Michael D. Smith, Herbert Lin From Communications of the ACM | April 1, 2023
Technologists who understand and measure cyber risk can motivate policyholders to improve security.
Daniel W. Woods From Communications of the ACM | March 1, 2023
A study of gamer behavior finds they shy away from gay characters, regardless of their strengths.
Scientific American From ACM Opinion | October 19, 2022
Framed as a bill to protect kids online, the California Age Appropriate Design Code Act would radically reshape the Internet—and harm both kids and adults.
Eric Goldman From ACM Opinion | September 1, 2022
We are in a golden age of progress in artificial intelligence, and it is time to start taking its potential and risks seriously.
The New York Times From ACM News | August 25, 2022
Considering copyright licensing issues involving non-fungible tokens to manage creative works.
Andres Guadamuz From Communications of the ACM | September 1, 2022