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Communications of the ACM

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Toward a Solid Acceptance of the Decentralized Web of Personal Data: Societal and Technological Convergence
From Communications of the ACM

Toward a Solid Acceptance of the Decentralized Web of Personal Data: Societal and Technological Convergence

Giving individuals more control of their personal data.

The Perils of Leveraging Evil Digital Twins as Security-Enhancing Enablers
From Communications of the ACM

The Perils of Leveraging Evil Digital Twins as Security-Enhancing Enablers

Seeking more secure and effective digital representations.

NVIDIA at the Center of the Generative AI Ecosystem – For Now
From Communications of the ACM

NVIDIA at the Center of the Generative AI Ecosystem – For Now

Assessing the ascent of NVIDIA.

Data Bias Management
From Communications of the ACM

Data Bias Management

Envisioning a unique approach toward bias and fairness research.

Thus Spake ChatGPT
From Communications of the ACM

Thus Spake ChatGPT

On the reliability of AI-based chatbots for science communication.

Why Is the Current XAI Not Meeting the Expectations?
From Communications of the ACM

Why Is the Current XAI Not Meeting the Expectations?

Seeking better explanations for how algorithmic decisions are made.

Halfway Around the World
From Communications of the ACM

Halfway Around the World

Learn the language, meet the people, eat the food.

A Strategy for Scaling Advanced Analytics
From Communications of the ACM

A Strategy for Scaling Advanced Analytics

Key elements for scaling advanced analytics.

There Was No 'First AI Winter'
From Communications of the ACM

There Was No 'First AI Winter'

Despite challenges and failures, the artificial intelligence community grew steadily during the 1970s.

The Infrapolitics of Algorithmic Resistance
From Communications of the ACM

The Infrapolitics of Algorithmic Resistance

Exploring the complex interactions between humans and machines governed by algorithms.

Privacy in the Age of AI
From Communications of the ACM

Privacy in the Age of AI

What has changed and what should we do about it?

Machine Learning Sensors
From Communications of the ACM

Machine Learning Sensors

A design paradigm for the future of intelligent sensors.

New Threats to Society from Free-Speech Social Media Platforms
From Communications of the ACM

New Threats to Society from Free-Speech Social Media Platforms

Understanding emerging threats from social media platforms.

Stone Knives and Bear Skins
From Communications of the ACM

Stone Knives and Bear Skins

There is no money in tools.

Certification of Safety-Critical Systems
From Communications of the ACM

Certification of Safety-Critical Systems

Seeking new approaches toward ensuring the safety of software-intensive systems.

Generative AI as a New Innovation Platform
From Communications of the ACM

Generative AI as a New Innovation Platform

Considering the stability and longevity of a potential new foundational technology.

Coming of Age
From Communications of the ACM

Coming of Age

Stressing the importance of threat models.

Dilemma of the Artificial Intelligence Regulatory Landscape
From Communications of the ACM

Dilemma of the Artificial Intelligence Regulatory Landscape

Navigating the complex and varying AI regulatory landscape.

The Smallness of Large Language Models
From Communications of the ACM

The Smallness of Large Language Models

There is so much more to language and human beings than large language models can possibly master.

The Human Touch
From Communications of the ACM

The Human Touch

There is no substitute for good, direct, honest training.
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