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Communications of the ACM

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Achievement in Microarchitecture
From Communications of the ACM

Achievement in Microarchitecture

David Papworth, a 30-year veteran of Intel, on what led to the P6 microprocessor and how that changed the microarchitectural paradigm.

Beyond the Editorial Analogy: The Future of the First Amendment on the Internet
From Communications of the ACM

Beyond the Editorial Analogy: The Future of the First Amendment on the Internet

Can the government regulate how social media companies moderate their platforms?

Legal Challenges to Generative AI, Part II
From Communications of the ACM

Legal Challenges to Generative AI, Part II

Deliberating on inconclusive AI-generated policy questions.

How Software Stifles Competition and Innovation
From Communications of the ACM

How Software Stifles Competition and Innovation

Factoring the slowing up of startups.

Closing Our Digital Divides
From Communications of the ACM

Closing Our Digital Divides

Seeking a more efficient path to improved broadband Internet access.

Francis Enyi on Bridging the Healthcare Deficit in Africa
From ACM Opinion

Francis Enyi on Bridging the Healthcare Deficit in Africa

Francis Enyi, a senior program analyst with Delta State University Teaching Hospital in Nigeri, discusses how his team of software developers, medical personnel...

Why You Should Be Able to Make Your Own Individualized, Digital Nano-Currency
From Communications of the ACM

Why You Should Be Able to Make Your Own Individualized, Digital Nano-Currency

Increasing opportunities for access to traditional financial systems.

Fragility in AIs Using Artificial Neural Networks
From Communications of the ACM

Fragility in AIs Using Artificial Neural Networks

Suggesting ways to reduce fragility in AI systems that include artificial neural networks.

Lost in Afghanistan: Can the World Take ICT4D Seriously?
From Communications of the ACM

Lost in Afghanistan: Can the World Take ICT4D Seriously?

Seeking to maximize the value of information and communication technologies for development research.

The Indigo Cyberattack Is a Warning of Things to Come
From ACM Opinion

The Indigo Cyberattack Is a Warning of Things to Come

Those handling state secrets or critical infrastructure seem to fare no better than a bookstore chain.

Do the Right Thing
From Communications of the ACM

Do the Right Thing

Exploring the intersection of legal compliance and ethical judgment.

Faculty Can Save Lives of the Elderly
From Communications of the ACM

Faculty Can Save Lives of the Elderly

A unique viewpoint on risks to senior citizens from academia.

Improving Section 230, Preserving Democracy, and Protecting Free Speech
From Communications of the ACM

Improving Section 230, Preserving Democracy, and Protecting Free Speech

Proposing a framework for a decentralized market where no one party controls the flow of information.

A Turning Point for Cyber Insurance
From Communications of the ACM

A Turning Point for Cyber Insurance

Technologists who understand and measure cyber risk can motivate policyholders to improve security.

A Legal Challenge to Algorithmic Recommendations
From Communications of the ACM

A Legal Challenge to Algorithmic Recommendations

Reconsidering liability shield considerations.

Mr. President, Healthcare Has a Data Problem
From ACM Opinion

Mr. President, Healthcare Has a Data Problem

The U.S. healthcare system is plagued by inefficiencies, in part due to deficiencies of health data interoperability between electronic health records and other...

What's Next for Quantum Computing?
From ACM Opinion

What's Next for Quantum Computing?

Companies are moving away from setting qubit records in favor of practical hardware and long-term goals.

Getting a Handle on Handles
From Communications of the ACM

Getting a Handle on Handles

Navigating moniker management.

Should Quantum Computing Be on IT’s Strategic Roadmap?
From ACM Opinion

Should Quantum Computing Be on IT’s Strategic Roadmap?

Quantum computing is far from being a mature technology, but now is the time to pencil it into IT strategic roadmaps.

Scientists Increasingly Cannot Explain How AI Works
From ACM Opinion

Scientists Increasingly Cannot Explain How AI Works

AI researchers are warning developers to focus more on how and why a system produces certain results than the fact that the system can accurately and rapidly produce...
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