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How Advanced Is the NSA's Cryptanalysis—And Can We Resist It?
From ACM Opinion

How Advanced Is the NSA's Cryptanalysis—And Can We Resist It?

The latest Snowden document is the U.S. intelligence "black budget."

How Protecting Your Privacy Could Make You the Bad Guy
From ACM Opinion

How Protecting Your Privacy Could Make You the Bad Guy

There's a funny catch-22 when it comes to privacy best practices.

Phew, Nsa Is Just Collecting Metadata. (you Should Still Worry)
From ACM Opinion

Phew, Nsa Is Just Collecting Metadata. (you Should Still Worry)

We now know that every day, U.S. phone companies quietly send the government a list of who called whom and when—"telephony metadata"—for every call made on their...

Connecting the Dots on Prism, Phone Surveillance, and the Nsa's Massive Spy Center
From ACM Opinion

Connecting the Dots on Prism, Phone Surveillance, and the Nsa's Massive Spy Center

Physically, the NSA has always been well protected by miles of high fences and electrified wire, thousands of cameras, and gun-toting guards.

Welcome to Google Island
From ACM Opinion

Welcome to Google Island

I awoke aboard a boat, just before daybreak, which was weird.

How Pixar ­sed Moore's Law to Predict the Future
From ACM Opinion

How Pixar ­sed Moore's Law to Predict the Future

Whether you call it a data-driven prediction or think of it as a self-fulfilling prophecy, Moore's Law has been going strong.

You'll Never Believe the Data 'wiped' Smartphones Store
From ACM Opinion

You'll Never Believe the Data 'wiped' Smartphones Store

Few things are more precious, intimate, and personal than the data on your smartphone.

Why It's Time For Our Devices to ­nderstand What We Mean, Not Just What We Say
From ACM Opinion

Why It's Time For Our Devices to ­nderstand What We Mean, Not Just What We Say

It wasn’t just cost and Moore’s law. The graphical user interface—now known as the GUI ("gooey")—is what really made computing widespread, personal and ubiquitous...

10 Companies Chasing Innovations That Really Matter
From ACM Careers

10 Companies Chasing Innovations That Really Matter

PayPal co-founder Max Levchin faced some flak recently when he announced he was starting a new company in the already crowded field of digital payments.

On Stephen Hawking, Vader, and Being More Machine Than Human
From ACM Opinion

On Stephen Hawking, Vader, and Being More Machine Than Human

Click-click-click: This is what you hear when having a conversation with Stephen Hawking. No voice, no other sounds, no facial expressions.

No Longer Vaporware: The Internet of Things Is Finally Talking
From ACM Opinion

No Longer Vaporware: The Internet of Things Is Finally Talking

The rise of the machines has begun: Steve Sande’s household fan is now self-aware.

Wrath of the Math: Obama Wins Nerdiest Election Ever
From ACM Opinion

Wrath of the Math: Obama Wins Nerdiest Election Ever

Congratulations, Barack Obama: You have prevailed in the nerdiest election in the history of the American Republic.

Probability Versus Prediction in Volcanic Hazards (and Elections)
From ACM Opinion

Probability Versus Prediction in Volcanic Hazards (and Elections)

Unless you've been living on the far side of the moon for the past two years, you'll know that the U.S. presidential election is next week. Now, I'm by no means...

Why Everyone (not Just Geeks) Should Care About Big Data
From ACM Opinion

Why Everyone (not Just Geeks) Should Care About Big Data

Hugo Campos has a cardiac defibrillator implanted in his body. It sends data about his heart to his doctors and back to the manufacturer, but it takes days to get...

The Personal Analytics of My Life
From ACM Opinion

The Personal Analytics of My Life

One day I'm sure everyone will routinely collect all sorts of data about themselves. But because I've been interested in data for a very long time, I started doing...

From ACM Opinion

How Movies Activate Your Neural G-Spot

Here’s a typical “date night” with me and Hollywood: I don’t know what I want to see. Neither does Hollywood. But it bangs on my eyeballs and eardrums like Stanley...

From ACM Opinion

'don't Be Evil,' Meet 'spy on Everyone': How the Nsa Deal Could Kill Google

The company once known for its "don't be evil" motto is now in bed with the spy agency known for the mass surveillance of American citizens. The National Security...
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