Architecture astronauts habitually speak at extremely high levels of abstraction to avoid engaging in tangible discussions that might lead to disclosing that they...Alex E. Bell From Communications of the ACM | January 1, 2009
Exploring the expectations and implications for version 2.0 of the Net's new gated communities.Jonathan Zittrain From Communications of the ACM | January 1, 2009
Though I appreciated Martin Campbell-Kelly's "Viewpoint" "Will the Future of Software Be Open Source?" (Oct. 2008), we must still rectify a small piece of history...CACM Staff From Communications of the ACM | January 1, 2009
A rabbinical story tells about an angry reader who stormed into a newspaper office waving the day's paper, asking to see the editor of the obituary column.Moshe Y. Vardi From Communications of the ACM | January 1, 2009
Exploring the evolving dynamics and interconnectedness of India's educational system and its IT work force.
Alok Aggarwal From Communications of the ACM | December 1, 2008
When it comes to virtualization platforms, experts say focus first on the services to be delivered.
Mache Creeger From Communications of the ACM | December 1, 2008
What are the factors that make certain advisory committee reports successful while others are not?Cameron Wilson, Peter Harsha From Communications of the ACM | December 1, 2008
Relational database pioneer Patricia G. Selinger explores the vast realm of database technology and trends in a wide-ranging discussion with Microsoft's James Hamilton...James Hamilton, Pat Selinger From Communications of the ACM | December 1, 2008
When ACM launched its pioneering Digital Library a decade ago, it was one of the first professional societies to offer its members—and the broader computing community—a...John R. White From Communications of the ACM | November 1, 2008
The college preparatory computer science education curriculum must be improved, beginning with the earliest phases of the process.Joanna Goode From Communications of the ACM | November 1, 2008
Should patents confer power to restrict reuses and redistributions of products embodying the whole or essential parts of inventions?
Pamela Samuelson From Communications of the ACM | November 1, 2008
It's not just science or engineering that will be needed to address security concerns, but law, economics, anthropology, and more.Susan Landau From Communications of the ACM | November 1, 2008
Debating the public policy issues involved in proposed efforts toward improving voting systems while considering the range of technical and societal challenges....David L. Dill, Daniel Castro From Communications of the ACM | October 1, 2008
Tracing the course of influential computing developments and considering possible paths to new paradigms.Martin Campbell-Kelly From Communications of the ACM | October 1, 2008
Diagnosing the symptoms of failing to accommodate critical software architecture properties that often result in the demise of projects.
Alex E. Bell From Communications of the ACM | October 1, 2008
Considering the responsibilities of those who build systems fundamental to significant social functions, institutions, and values.
Deborah G. Johnson From Communications of the ACM | October 1, 2008
Daphne Koller discusses probabilistic relational modeling, artificial intelligence, and her new work with biologists.
Leah Hoffmann From Communications of the ACM | October 1, 2008