"Whenever I read yet another thinkpiece about the problems with 'narrow-minded STEM nerds,' I think to myself, 'then let everyone else be as narrow and narcissistic as most of the STEM nerds I know.'"
Credit: Sabine Hossenfelder / BackReaction
Scott Aaronson has one of the highest intelligence/pretension ratios I've ever encountered. In his blog, "Shtetl-Optimized," Aaronson, a boyish computer scientist at MIT, writes not only about quantum computation, his specialty, but also about artificial intelligence, mathematics, cosmology, particle physics, philosophy . . . Aaronson has things to say about almost everything.
Even when he is at his most technical, he expresses himself in a down-to-earth, funny, self-deprecating and above all clear way. He exudes the spunky enthusiasm and curiosity of a 10-year-old kid, a kid who happens to have a firm grasp of mathematics and physics.
From Scientific American
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