"The new generation will be homo-zapiens, zapping through all kinds of content," says Eurotech President and CEO Roberto Siagri.
Credit: www.idt.mdh.se
Information technology (IT) will become increasingly organic and humans will get closer to technology, predicts Eurotech Spa President and CEO Roberto Siagri. By 2012, businesses will use IT to set up their operations and assemble teams more quickly, and being connected will be very important. In the public sector, school will be the only time people are not connected, but individuals will be connected in the other areas of their lives.
By 2020, IT will become more autonomous in the business sector, as there will be unmanned aircraft, autonomous cars, and robots to help people with difficult tasks, Siagri says. The public sector will use smarter technology to address bureaucracy, queuing, and resource issues, and individuals will have more time to help others and will focus more on using less energy.
Siagri expects IT costs to fall 50 percent every two years. After 2050, computers could become more powerful than the human brain, and might decide they no longer need humans. "So we will have to make friends with this computer," Siagri says.
From Financial Times Digital Business
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