The goal of content-centric networking is "to be able to strip all that [overhead] out of the packets and really be able to allow more of the content to actually be delivered," says Mark Bernstein, CEO of Palo Alto Research Center.
Credit: VentureBeat
Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) CEO Mark Bernstein says its researchers are currently working on developing content-centric networking technology. The goal is to be able to have content available in the network with a unique identifier and have users be able to access content wherever it is.
The research is being led by former Cisco chief science officer Van Jacobson. Bernstein says Jacobson "came to PARC about three years ago with a vision for overhauling how the Internet operates and moving it from a point-to-point plumbing problem to a more distributed content model."
Content-centric networking enables higher performance by more closely associating the need of the individual user with specific content, Bernstein says. "The goal there is to reduce all the overhead that right now is in the headers of messages and content flying around the network, to be able to strip all that out of the packets and really be able to allow more of the content to actually be delivered as opposed to all the overhead," he says.
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